Core Lua
There are various core Lua classes baked into the Alarmo's firmware, many of which are referenced by the core system Lua classes or a theme's Lua files.
Below are the various Lua classes as well as their associated methods.
These methods are accessible by most Lua classes that implement an app
For example, below is the setColor()
method of the ComRect
class, which uses its own app
property to call the App:SetRectangleColor()
-- Sets the color of the rectangle
function ComRect:setColor(r, g, b, a)
local name = self.parent.getName(), r, g, b, a)
Below is the full list of methods available in the App class.
Address |
Function Name |
70027330 |
GetRandomIntMulti |
70027454 |
EmitSound |
70027470 |
EmitSoundWithHandle |
7002748c |
SetSoundVolume |
70027570 |
SetCurrentDateTime |
700293c4 |
GetRandomNumber |
70029416 |
GetRandomInt |
70029484 |
GetInstalledPositionAngle |
700294d8 |
GetInstalledPositionAngleIndex |
7002952e |
GetInstalledPositionBedWidth |
70029580 |
GetInstalledPositionDistance |
700295d2 |
GetInstalledPositionBedKind |
70029626 |
SetInstalledPositionAngleIndex |
70029670 |
SetInstalledPositionBedWidth |
70029704 |
SetInstalledPositionDistance |
70029750 |
SetInstalledPositionBedKind |
70029834 |
ApplyInstallPositionConfig |
7002986a |
GetDopplerSensitivityMode |
700298c0 |
SetDopplerSensitivityMode |
700299a8 |
ApplyDopplerSensitivityMode |
700299de |
SetFullColorLedColor |
70029a44 |
SetFullColorLedBrightness |
70029a92 |
SetFullColorLedMasterBrightness |
70029ae0 |
SetLcdBrightness |
70029b2e |
SetLcdBrightnessIndex |
70029b78 |
GetLcdBrightnessIndex |
70029bcc |
SetLcdBrightnessAutomaticControl |
70029c16 |
IsLcdBrightnessAutomaticControl |
70029c6e |
SetLcdLockLuxValue |
70029cd6 |
SetLcdBrightnessUpperMost |
70029d0e |
SetLcdLockBrightnessMode |
70029d76 |
SetLcdOnAtTimeSignal |
70029dae |
StartDoppler |
70029de4 |
StopDoppler |
70029e1a |
GetMoveLevel |
70029e62 |
GetMoveDistanceByMoveLevel |
70029eac |
IsMoved |
70029f06 |
IsMovedSmall |
70029f62 |
IsMovedLarge |
70029fbe |
IsAbsenceByHeartbeat |
7002a012 |
IsAbsenceByRespiration |
7002a066 |
IsAbsenceDiscreet |
7002a0ba |
IsLeftFromBed |
7002a10e |
GetUserVsBedState |
7002a156 |
GetUserVsBedVisibility |
7002a19e |
IsOnBed |
7002a1f8 |
GetDistanceInInterest |
7002a24c |
GetFarthestDistanceInBedArea |
7002a2a0 |
GetMoveDistance |
7002a2ea |
GetMovePositionX |
7002a33e |
GetMovePositionY |
7002a392 |
IsValidSensorPosition |
7002a3ec |
GetSensorAngle |
7002a440 |
GetSensorDistance |
7002a47e |
IsSitUp |
7002a4d4 |
InitializeVisualizeParameter |
7002a694 |
GetVisualizeUserStateType |
7002a6dc |
GetTargetPixelX |
7002a724 |
SetAchpTimespanFromPausedToEnd |
7002a770 |
SetAchpTimespanFromStandbyToEnd |
7002a7bc |
SetAchpTimespanFromSearchingToPaused |
7002a808 |
SetAchpTimespanStillFromStandbyToPlayingWithoutReachingPlaying |
7002a854 |
SetAchpTimespanStillFromStandbyToPlaying |
7002a8a0 |
SetAchpTimespanStillForUserBecomeInvisible |
7002a8ec |
SetAchpTimespanAbsenceByHeartbeatForUserBecomeVisible |
7002a938 |
GetAchpAlarmState |
7002a98c |
GetAchpAlarmRestartProgressRatio |
7002a9e2 |
GetAchpIsKeepingAbsenceFromReset |
7002aa3c |
AchpPrepare |
7002aa74 |
AchpDestroy |
7002aaac |
AchpCalc |
7002aae4 |
AchpCalcWithoutUpdatingAlarmState |
7002ab1c |
AchpFinishFanfare |
7002ab54 |
FadeSound |
7002aba0 |
IsSoundFinished |
7002ac12 |
KillSound |
7002ac5e |
GetSoundHandleCountMax |
7002ac9a |
IsLoopSound |
7002ad1e |
GetEventName |
7002ad9a |
FadeAllEvents |
7002add4 |
GetSystemVolumeCurveIndexMax |
7002ae18 |
GetSystemVolumeCurveIndexMin |
7002ae54 |
GetSystemVolumeCurveValue |
7002aeba |
LoadThemeSE |
7002af22 |
LoadEventEmitter |
7002afd6 |
LoadAdditionalEventEmitter |
7002b058 |
UnloadAdditionalEventEmitter |
7002b090 |
EmitFCLed |
7002b0f8 |
CreateRectangle |
7002b1f0 |
SetRectangleDepth |
7002b27e |
SetRectangleSize |
7002b322 |
SetRectanglePosition |
7002b394 |
SetRectangleColor |
7002b43e |
SetRectangleDrawType |
7002b55c |
DestroyRectangle |
7002b5ba |
DestroyAllRectangles |
7002b5f0 |
CreateCanvas |
7002b874 |
DestroyCanvas |
7002b93a |
SetFlag |
7002ba20 |
ResetFlag |
7002ba78 |
TestFlag |
7002baf6 |
MoveTo |
7002bb50 |
IsTriggered |
7002bc5c |
IsHold |
7002bcda |
IsReleased |
7002bd58 |
IsNoInput |
7002bdb2 |
ConsumeButtonInput |
7002bdea |
GetDialStep |
7002be40 |
GetDialDirection |
7002be96 |
GetDialAngle |
7002beec |
GetIlluminanceLux |
7002bf40 |
GetIlluminanceVl |
7002bf94 |
GetIlluminanceIr |
7002bfe8 |
GetBatteryVoltage |
7002c03c |
SetBatterySenseEnable |
7002c0a4 |
GetBatterySenseEnable |
7002c0fe |
GetUsbCcVoltage |
7002c170 |
GetBatteryChargingPortType |
7002c1c4 |
GetTypeCCurrentType |
7002c218 |
ConvertHSVToRGB |
7002c2d4 |
GetCurrentDate |
7002c35a |
GetCurrentTime |
7002c3b0 |
GetCurrentDateTime |
7002c46e |
GetDayOfWeek |
7002c4dc |
GetDaysInMonth |
7002c54a |
IsValidDateTimeInCurrentTimeZone |
7002c5d2 |
ResetTimer |
7002c60a |
GetElapsedTimeSeconds |
7002c65e |
GetElapsedTimeMilliSeconds |
7002c6b4 |
ResetGlobalTimer |
7002c6ec |
GetElapsedTimeSecondsGlobal |
7002c740 |
PushScene |
7002c7a8 |
TakeoverScene |
7002c810 |
PopScene |
7002c848 |
GetScene |
7002c8a0 |
CleanUpForTransition |
7002c8d8 |
StartSceneBlock |
7002c940 |
GetParameterValueAsBool |
7002c9c4 |
GetParameterValueAsFloat |
7002ca42 |
GetParameterValueAsInt |
7002cac2 |
RequestSystemShutdown |
7002cafa |
GetBoardnumber |
7002cb52 |
GetVersionNumber |
7002cbb0 |
GetSystemVersionNumber |
7002cc0a |
DisplayGitHash |
7002cc42 |
GetFatalErrorCode |
7002cc98 |
ClearFatalErrorCode |
7002ccce |
SetSaveDataWritingSuspended |
7002cd36 |
GetSunriseSunsetTime |
7002ce7c |
GetNetwork |
Address |
Function Name |
7001dd2c |
SetPosition |
7001de52 |
SetDepth |
7001de9e |
Clear |
7001ded6 |
Fill |
7001df9e |
DrawRect |
7001e0e2 |
CopyImageFromLayoutImage |
Address |
Function Name |
700229ac |
SetEnableWlanAsync |
70022abc |
IsCompletedEnableWlan |
70022b6c |
ScanApAsync |
70022ba4 |
IsCompletedScanAp |
70022c04 |
GetScanApCount |
70022c62 |
GetApRssi |
70022cd0 |
GetApSignalLevel |
70022d3e |
GetApSsid |
70022dba |
GetApSecurityType |
70022e28 |
GetNetworkStatusAsync |
70022e60 |
IsCompletedGetNeworkStatus |
70022ec0 |
GetNetworkControlState |
70022f16 |
GetConnectionState |
70022f6a |
GetSignalLevel |
70022fc0 |
GetMacAddress |
70023018 |
GetSsid |
70023070 |
GetSecurityType |
700230c6 |
IsAutoSelectSecurityType |
7002311a |
GetSignalStrength |
70023170 |
GetIpAddress |
700231c8 |
GetSubnetMask |
70023220 |
GetDefaultGateway |
70023278 |
GetDnsServerAddress |
700232f4 |
GetMtuSize |
70023334 |
GetDefaultMtuSize |
70023372 |
GetIpConfigType |
700233b2 |
SetSsid |
70023476 |
SetPassphrase |
700234e6 |
SetSecurityType |
700235cc |
SetAutoSelectSecurityType |
70023618 |
TrySetIpConfigDhcp |
70023776 |
TrySetIpConfigStatic |
70023906 |
WaitAllAsyncRequest |
70023964 |
SetNetworkEnabled |
700239cc |
SetNetworkSettings |
70023a04 |
ResetNetworkSettings |
70023a3c |
ClearNetworkSettings |
70023a74 |
CommitNetworkSettings |
70023aac |
ImportNetworkSettings |
70023ae4 |
SetNetworkServiceRequestEnabled |
70023b4c |
IsNetworkServiceRequestEnabled |
70023ba6 |
GetConnectionErrorCode |
70023bfc |
GetNetworkControlSettingsErrorCode |
70023c52 |
GetNetworkControlConnectionErrorCode |
70023ca8 |
GetNetworkConnectionTimeoutSeconds |
70023cfe |
HttpGracefulShutdown |
70023d36 |
IsCompletedHttpGracefulShutdown |
70023d90 |
StartInternetConnectionTest |
70023dc8 |
IsCompletedInternetConnectionTest |
70023e1c |
GetInternetConnectionTestErrorCode |
70023e72 |
CalcInternetConnectionTest |
70023eae |
PerformNetworkTimeAdjust |
70023ee6 |
IsCompletedNetworkTimeAdjust |
70023f40 |
GetMainFirmwareUpdate |
70023fbc |
GetLinkNintendoAccount |
70024038 |
GetDownloadTheme |
Address |
Function Name |
700248f8 |
Calc |
70024990 |
RequestCheckUpdate |
700249c8 |
IsCheckCompleted |
70024a6c |
GetCheckErrorCode |
70024ac2 |
IsAvailableUpdate |
70024b1c |
GetUpdateThemeCount |
70024b72 |
GetUpdateThemeId |
70024bee |
RequestDownload |
70024c26 |
IsDownloadCompleted |
70024c80 |
GetDownloadErrorCode |
70024cd6 |
GetDownloadReceivedBytes |
70024d2c |
GetDownloadTotalBytes |
70024d82 |
GetDownloadSpeedBytes |
70024dd8 |
Cancel |
Address |
Function Name |
70024550 |
Calc |
700245e8 |
LinkRequest |
70024620 |
DeviceInitializeRequest |
70024658 |
CheckIsLinkedRequest |
70024690 |
IsReadyLinkUrl |
70024734 |
GetLinkUrl |
7002478c |
GetErrorCode |
700247e2 |
IsCompleted |
7002483c |
IsLinked |
70024896 |
Reset |
Address |
Function Name |
700240de |
Calc |
70024178 |
RequestCheckLatestUpdate |
700241b0 |
IsCheckCompleted |
70024254 |
GetCheckErrorCode |
700242aa |
IsNeedsLatestUpdate |
70024304 |
RequestDownloadLatestUpdate |
7002433c |
IsDownloadCompleted |
70024396 |
GetDownloadErrorCode |
700243ec |
GetDownloadReceivedBytes |
70024442 |
GetDownloadTotalBytes |
70024498 |
GetDownloadSpeedBytes |
700244ee |
Cancel |
Address |
Function Name |
7003d624 |
TestAchievementFlag |
7003d714 |
SetAchievementFlag |
7003d750 |
ResetAchievementFlag |
7003d78c |
GetFirstTutorialCompletedIndex |
7003d7d2 |
SaveFirstTutorialCompletedIndex |
7003d80a |
MarkFirstTutorialCompleted |
7003d830 |
ResetFirstTutorialCompleted |
Address |
Function Name |
7003da74 |
GetAlarmTime |
7003daac |
GetAlarmThemeIndex |
7003dade |
GetAlarmSceneIndex |
7003db04 |
SaveAlarmTheme |
7003db94 |
SaveAlarmDayModeOn |
7003dbdc |
SaveAlarmDayModeOff |
7003dc26 |
SaveAlarmDayModeCustom |
7003dd16 |
GetSceneSelectMode |
7003dd3c |
SaveSceneSelectMode |
7003e006 |
IsAlarmEnabled |
7003e050 |
SaveAlarmTime |
7003e08c |
GetAlarmThemeId |
7003e0d4 |
GetAlarmVolumeIndex |
7003e11a |
SaveAlarmVolumeIndex |
7003e152 |
GetAlarmMode |
7003e198 |
SaveAlarmMode |
7003e264 |
IsAlarmEnabledOn |
7003e59c |
GetAlarmDayMode |
7003e670 |
GetAlarmStartSectionName |
7003e6b6 |
ResetAlarmStartSectionName |
Address |
Function Name |
700404f4 |
IsBedSoundEnabled |
70040520 |
SetBedSoundEnabled |
70040588 |
GetBedTime |
700405bc |
SetBedTime |
70040620 |
GetVolumeIndex |
70040646 |
SetVolumeIndex |
700406a4 |
TestBedSoundAvailable |
700406ea |
IsBedTimeAlreadyCompleted |
70040722 |
TestIsBedTimeNow |
700407c0 |
TestWithinBedTimeStart |
Address |
Function Name |
70034e5c |
SetCurrentDateTime |
70035086 |
GetCurrentTime |
700350fe |
GetCurrentDate |
70035146 |
GetCurrentDateTime |
700351fe |
GetDayOfWeek |
7003525c |
CalculateDate |
Address |
Function Name |
700c5290 |
WaitUntil |
700c52ea |
Wait |
700c5324 |
Loop |
Address |
Function Name |
70039b0a |
RegisterPerfStatsEntryName |
70039b44 |
BeginRecord |
70039b6a |
EndRecord |
70039b90 |
EndRecordWithLog |
Address |
Function Name |
7003e878 |
IsDemoModeEnabled |
7003e8ae |
SetDemoModeEnabled |
7003e938 |
IsDebugIndicatorEnabled |
7003e97a |
SetDebugIndicatorEnabled |
7003e9aa |
IsShptLoggingEnabled |
7003e9ec |
SetShptLoggingEnabled |
7003ea1c |
GetDebugTimeSkipMode |
7003ea4a |
SetDebugTimeSkipMode |
7003eb0c |
IsSoundWarningAndErrorAsAssert |
7003eb4e |
SetSoundWarningAndErrorAsAssert |
7003eb7e |
IsMovementRecordUploadEnabled |
7003ebc0 |
SetMovementRecordUploadEnabled |
Address |
Function Name |
7002eeb8 |
GetLayoutByKey |
7002dbb8 |
LoadLayout |
7002dbd4 |
UnloadLayout |
7002ef1c |
UnloadAllLayouts |
7002ef42 |
SetViewportDepth |
7002dbf8 |
WaitLoadComplete |
7002dc32 |
WaitActivate |
7002dc6c |
IsLoadCompleted |
7002eff6 |
FlushLayoutCache |
7002f01c |
ForceLayoutCleanUp |
Address |
Function Name |
7002e218 |
Is |
7002e2e2 |
IsText |
7002e33c |
GetName |
7002e3aa |
GetGlobalPosition |
7002e3fa |
GetLocalPosition |
7002e44a |
GetDefaultLocalPosition |
7002e49a |
GetDefaultDepth |
7002e4f0 |
GetImageWidth |
7002e546 |
GetImageHeight |
7002e59c |
GetCropLeft |
Address |
Function Name |
7002df30 |
GetImageCount |
7002dfdc |
GetImageByIndex |
7002e0d4 |
FindImage |
7002e150 |
GetGlobalPosition |
7002e1a0 |
SetGlobalPosition |
Address |
Function Name |
70040b60 |
GetRecordOfADay |
70040ca0 |
SetEnabled |
70040e32 |
IsEnabled |
Address |
Function Name |
70040a8c |
GetRecordCount |
70040ac6 |
GetMovementSeconds |
70040b1e |
HasAnyMovedRecord |
Address |
Function Name |
70041a40 |
IsWlanEnabled |
70041a8a |
GetSsid |
70041ad2 |
GetPassphrase |
70041b1a |
GetSecurityType |
70041b60 |
GetMtuSize |
70041ba6 |
GetDefaultMtuSize |
70041bd6 |
GetIpConfigType |
70041c1c |
GetIpAddress |
70041c64 |
GetSubnetMask |
70041cac |
GetDefaultGateway |
70041cf4 |
GetDnsAddress |
70041d4e |
GetWlanSignalLevel |
Address |
Function Name |
70041fa6 |
GetServerEnvironment |
70041fec |
GetUpdateChannel |
70042032 |
IsLinkedNa |
7004207c |
IsDeviceInitialized |
700420c6 |
SetServerEnvironment |
70042106 |
SetUpdateChannel |
70042146 |
SetLinkedNa |
70042180 |
SetDeviceInitialized |
Address |
Function Name |
70040fe4 |
GetNotificationCount |
7004100e |
PeekTopNotificationType |
70041038 |
ConsumeTopNotification |
7004106a |
TryConsumePresentNotification |
700410da |
TryConsumeInternetNotification |
7004115a |
TryGetInternetNotification |
700411b8 |
TryGetTutorialNotification |
70041212 |
TryGetHelpNotification |
7004125e |
ClearNotifications |
7004156a |
PushPresentNotification |
700415ac |
HasNotification |
Address |
Function Name |
700425f4 |
GetSystemSeVolumeIndex |
70042626 |
SaveSystemSeVolumeIndex |
70042e9c |
IsDialDirectionNormal |
70042ee6 |
SaveDialDirectionNormal |
70042f20 |
GetLcdBrightnessIndex |
70042f66 |
SaveLcdBrightnessIndex |
70042f9e |
ChangeLcdBrightnessIndexWithoutSave |
70042fd6 |
IsLcdAutoBrightnessEnabled |
70043020 |
SaveLcdAutoBrightnessEnabled |
7004305a |
ChangeLcdAutoBrightnessEnabledWithoutSave |
70043094 |
IsLcdAutoBrightnessByMovementEnabled |
700430de |
SaveLcdAutoBrightnessByMovementEnabled |
70043118 |
ChangeLcdAutoBrightnessByMovementEnabledWithoutSave |
70043152 |
IsFullColorLedEnabled |
7004319c |
SaveFullColorLedEnabled |
700431d6 |
ChangeFullColorLedEnabledWithoutSave |
70043210 |
GetCurrentLocale |
70043256 |
GetCurrentLocaleStr |
7004329e |
GetCurrentLanguage |
700432e4 |
GetCurrentLanguageStr |
7004332c |
ChangeCurrentLocale |
700434b8 |
ChangeCurrentLocaleWithoutSave |
700434fa |
GetCurrentRegion |
70043540 |
GetCurrentRegionStr |
70043588 |
GetTimeZone |
700435d0 |
ChangeTimeZone |
70043612 |
ChangeTimeZoneWithoutSave |
70043654 |
GetDateFormatType |
7004369a |
SetDateFormatType |
70043764 |
GetTimeFormatType |
700437aa |
SetTimeFormatType |
70043874 |
IsNetworkTimeAdjustEnabled |
700438be |
SaveNetworkTimeAdjustEnabled |
700438f8 |
IsFirstBootAfterFwUpdated |
70043942 |
SaveFirstBootAfterFwUpdated |
7004397c |
IsFirstBootAfterThemeInstalled |
700439c6 |
SaveFirstBootAfterThemeInstalled |
70043a00 |
GetMenuSceneBootType |
70043a46 |
ChangeMenuSceneBootTypeWithoutSave |
70043b10 |
AddNextBootMountTheme |
70043b52 |
GetNextBootMountThemeCount |
70043b98 |
GetNextBootMountTheme |
70043bf2 |
ClearNextBootMountTheme |
70043c18 |
IsAlarmSceneRunning |
70043c62 |
SaveAlarmSceneRunning |
70043c9c |
DeleteSaveData |
Address |
Function Name |
7002f3b0 |
BeginTextRendering |
70030362 |
ForceTextCleanUp |
7002f40a |
EndTextRendering |
7002fe3c |
PrintText |
7002ffec |
PrintColoredText |
7002f432 |
GetTextSize |
700301da |
RemoveText |
7003021c |
RemoveAllText |
7002f4ac |
EnableScrollableTextRegion |
7002f500 |
DisableScrollableTextRegion |
7002f520 |
GetLocalizedText |
Address |
Function Name |
7002f728 |
SetText |
7002f7f0 |
GetTextLength |
7002f830 |
SetFontSize |
7002f87c |
SetTextColor |
7002f8e4 |
SetTextColorAt |
7002f990 |
SetPosition |
7002f9e2 |
SetDepth |
7002fa2e |
SetIsVisible |
7002fa7a |
SetHorizontalAlign |
7002fb60 |
SetVerticalAlign |
7002fc48 |
SetStrokeWidth |
Address |
Function Name |
700447e4 |
GetInstalledThemeCount |
7004482a |
GetInstalledThemeIdByIndex |
70044884 |
GetInstalledThemeIdByHash |
700448e4 |
GetInstalledThemeIndex |
70044948 |
GetInstalledThemeMajorVersion |
700449ac |
GetInstalledThemeMinorVersion |
70044a10 |
GetInstalledThemeMicroVersion |
Address |
Function Name |
70043dcc |
IsEnabled |
70043df8 |
SetEnabled |
70043e4a |
GetVolumeIndex |
70043e70 |
SetVolumeIndex |
70043ecc |
TestTimeSignalShouldBegin |
Address |
Function Name |
7003ef30 |
MarkBedSoundCompleted |
7003ef8a |
MarkBedSoundSkipped |
7003efd4 |
MarkBedTimeTriggered |
7003f06c |
IsUnusedAlarmScene |
7003f0c2 |
MarkAlarmSceneUsed |
7003f174 |
FindAlarmRecordAt |
7003f220 |
GetAlarmSettingTimeAt |
7003f298 |
FindBedTimeRecordAt |
7003f364 |
GetBedTimeSettingTimeAt |
7003f3dc |
GetMeanLeaveSecondsIn |
7003f4dc |
GetMeanBedTimeIn |
7003fdec |
ReportAlarmResult |
7003ffce |
ClearBedSoundFlag |
7003fff4 |
ClearUserRecord |
7004001a |
SetEnabled |
70040054 |
IsEnabled |
Address |
Function Name |
70034960 |
CalcHash |
700349a2 |
ClampInt |
700349e6 |
ClampDouble |
70034a38 |
Lerp |
70034ad8 |
PrintInfo |
70034afc |
PrintWarn |
70034b20 |
PrintError |
70034b44 |
LogInfo |
70034b68 |
LogWarn |
70034b8c |
LogError |
70034bb0 |
PerformFullGc |
Address |
Function Name |
700306b4 |
LoadDynamicLayout |
700306d0 |
AttachDynamicLayer |
70030a7a |
GetSize |
70030b20 |
GetCroppedSize |
70030b90 |
SetPosition |
70030c34 |
SetAlpha |
70030c80 |
SetScale |
70030cce |
BakeScaledImage |
70030d42 |
SetMirrorX |
70030daa |
SetDepth |
70030df6 |
SetVisibility |
7003122a |
PreloadLayoutCache |
70031288 |
PreloadDynamicLayout |
7003135e |
AttachDynamicQRCodeLayer |
700314ac |
GetDynamicLayer |
7003155a |
DetachDynamicLayer |
700315c0 |
GetDynamicLayerSize |
700316d6 |
SetDynamicLayerPosition |
700317c4 |
SetDynamicLayerAlpha |
700318a2 |
SetDynamicLayerScale |
7003197e |
SetDynamicLayerMirrorX |
70031a64 |
SetDynamicLayerDepth |
70031ae0 |
SetDynamicLayerVisibility |
70031b5e |
DestroyDynamicLayer |
70031bc4 |
DestroyAllDynamicLayers |
70031c06 |
GetViewportDepth |
70031c62 |
CopyWithAlphaMask |
(More Coming Soon)
Work in progress
This page is currently under development.
Feel free to follow @KernelEquinox to get notified about site and documentation updates as they happen.